In Their Own Words

Abuse by Employer

I have heard several stories of employers promising their young workers a set wage and then at end of the month giving excuses why the payment will be late.  This goes on and on, month after month until it reaches a crisis point.

All names have been changed to protect identities.

The photos displayed do not depict the persons described in the narrative.

My name is Prisco. I am seventeen years old. I was working in an appliance store for fourteen months and the manager kept promising to pay me but never did. There were seven of us in the same boat. I became fed up and stole a battery and DVD player as revenge. During the night I realized that this was not the way to go about things and returned the items the following day. However I kept bothering him about paying us and to get back at me, he reported my theft to the police and I ended up here. My first hearing is finished but I have my second hearing and sentencing left. Can you help me get a lawyer? I want to continue my studies and become a contractor.

he kept promising to pay me but never did…".”


Petty Theft

