• to work in collaboration with the Malagasy Department of Justice to improve the prison conditions in Madagascar.

  • to encourage and empower the prison officials to implement the existing laws and international treaties related to the criminal justice system especially as regards to lengthy pre-trial detention practices, lack of food security, sub-human living conditions, and inadequate medical care.

  • to spread awareness about the prison conditions and empower the local communities to become involved.

  • to collaborate with any other organizations with similar interests and goals.

  • to engage with other organizations and individuals compassionately and empathetically, aiming to minimize defensiveness and maximize mutual cooperation between aid organizations and members of the criminal justice system from top to bottom. Discourage shaming and threatening these institutions with international standards, understanding that Madagascar is a very poor and exploited country; understanding that there often simply is not enough funds in the prison budgets to meet the needs.

  • to follow “best practices” for financial transparency and accountability, not only keeping proper external audits which can misleading, but being meticulous with internal accounting systems

    • double checking vouchers and bills and keeping a watchful eye out for inconsistencies

    • making sure funds end up in the right hands and are used for intended purposes

      through spot checks, and engaging those with no potential conflict of interest to oversee the dispersal of funds

    • keeping track of materials coming in and out

    • double and triple checking project estimates

    • keeping close tabs on all projects - requiring both regular financial and progress reports

    • rooting out any possibilities of nepotism

    • Implementing strong internal accounting checks and balances is the kindest way to engage trusting and humanizing relationships with everyone involved. It encourages mutual respect and open conversations.

  • to operate under the core belief that every human being is created from Love and has access to inner joy. Innate well-being is a constant potential, but is often covered up and distorted by dysfunctional thoughts and misunderstandings about our true nature. Our hope is that when the prisoners are discharged, that they will never return. Rather, they will leave empowered and humbled by a grateful awareness that loving one’s self and one’s neighbor is their birthright and that their innate wisdom will guide their future decision-making.

  • We are a small team of five, working on a consensus basis as equal decision-makers, asking for outside guidance as needed. We offer complete transparency with our donors, and no major decisions happen behind closed doors. Mutual respect is the foundation of our relationship, and a system of hierarchy isn’t an option. An attitude of open-heartedness, curiosity, gratefulness and humility are the keys to doors opening and miracles happening.