The Worst Prisons in the World (including Madagascar)

Dans l’enfer dans des Prisons de Madagascar

Enfer de la prison à d'Antanimora

Alalino TV: Fonja Antanimora

Madagascar Teenagers Jailed Without Trial

Behind Bars: The World's Toughest Prisons

Immersion in the Worst Prisons of Madagascar - Amnesty France

Africa News: Madagascar: Excessive Use of Pre-Trial Detention

Amnesty International: Madagascar - Punished and in Prison for Being Poor

Amnesty International FB: Extreme Overcrowding in Malagasy Prisons

Red Cross: Pests in Madagascar Prison

Plague in Madagascar Prison FB

Amnesty International: Dans l'enfer des prisons de Madagascar

Madagascar Teenagers Jailed - Girls Behind Bars

Red Cross: Malagasy Prisoners Starving to Death

Red Cross: Malnutrition Can Turn a Prison Sentence into a Death Sentence

Inside Madagascar's Most Inhumane Prison

Madagascar's Children Prisoners Convicted of Stealing Vanilla



 Poorest Countries in the World 2024

The World Bank Helping Madagascar to Fight Poverty

 How Madagascar Can Break the Vicious Cycle of Poverty

 Madagascar Life Expectancy



Madagascar - World Prison Brief

Madagascar: Prisoners are the Invisible Victims of the Environmental Crisis

In Anjanamasina Juvenile Prison Salesians Make Boys Feel Loved

Sentenced to Malnutrition - Madagascar

Madagascar Tribune 2024: Imerintsiatosika High Security Prison Inaugurated

Amnesty International: Prisoners and Detainees in Tsiafahy Prison are Living in an Overcrowded Hell

Amnesty International: Madagascar's New Diet for Detainees is a Step in the Right Direction

Prison Insider: Madagascar: Everything is Heavy and Dark Here. 2023


World Prison Brief - World Female Imprisonment List

World Prison Brief - World Prison Population List

World Prison Brief - World Pre-Trial Imprisonment List

Benchmarks for Action in Prison Reform: United Nations Standards and Norms

Fair Trials International: Pre-Trial Detention Comparative Research

Fair Trials: France Must Act on its  Pre-Trial Detention Problem

European Prison Observatory: Prison Conditions in France


ACAT Madagascar (NGO) - Judiciary Guarantees to Remand Prisoners -  (in French)

Africa News: Madagascar: Excessive Use of Pre-Trial Detention

Amnesty International - Madagascar - Punished for being Poor - Pre-Trial Detention

Countries with the Largest Share of Pre-Trial Detainees 2023

Penal Reform International: Factsheet - Pre-Trial Detention

Global Pre-trial Detention Use: A Cross-National Analysis

Guidelines on the Conditions of Pre-Trial Detention in Africa

Human Rights Council - FIACAT and ACAT Madagascar

Human Rights Emergency: Pre-Trial Detention in Madagascar

ICPR - Pre-Trial Detention and its Overuse

Int'l Journal of Prisoner Health -  Pre-Trial Detention and Health

Justice Initiative: Pre-Trial Detention and Corruption

Justice Initiative: Pre-Trial Detention and Health: Unintended Consequences

Justice Initiative: Presumption of Guilt - The Global Overuse of Pre-Trial Detention

Justice Initiative: The Socioeconomic Impact of Pre-Trial Detention

Madagascar - Jails Hold More Pre-Trial Detainees than Convicted Criminals

Madagascar 2016 Human Rights Report

Madagascar Accused of Unjust and Excessive Pre-Trial Detention

Madagascar: Excessive Use of Pre-Trial Detention

Madagascar's Prison Shame

Penal Reform - Index of Good Practices in Reducing Pre-Trial Detention

Ghana News: Madagascar: Excessive Use of Pre-Trial Detention

Penal Reform - Pre-Trial Justice - Key Facts

Penal Reform International - Reducing Pre-trial Detention

Penal Reform International : Pre-Trial Detention

Tokyo Rules - United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures

U.S. Office of Crime and Drugs - Detention Prior to Adjudication

United Nations: III of Report - Obstacles which Impede Persons Living in Poverty from Accessing Justice

World Prison Brief - World Pre-Trial Imprisonment List

United Nations Human Rights: Madagascar Extreme Prison Overcrowding Needs  an Urgent Remedy

Amnesty International: Madagascar: Unjustified and Excessive Pre-Trial Detention. 2018

Amnesty International:  2018 Report

Aljazeera:Madagascar Pre-Trial Detainees Face Life-Threatening Conditions. 2018

Amnesty International: Madagascar - Weak Human Rights Protection

U.N. Chronicle: Nelson Mandela Rules


Madagascar: Report on Human Rights Practices

Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - U.S Dept of State

Human Rights Council - FIACAT and ACAT Madagascar

Forgotten Behind Bars

Amnesty International - The Right of Health Must Not Be Forgotten Behind Bars

Madagascar 2016 Human Rights Report

Amnesty International: Madagascar. Submission to the U.N. Human Rights Committee

African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

U.S. Dept of State - Madagascar - Country Reports for Human Rights Practices 2011

Rights of the Child in Madagascar

Amnesty International: Madagascar - Weak Human Rights Protection


 The Nelson Mandela Rules - The United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners

Nelson Mandela Rules E-Book pdf

Tokyo Rules - United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for Non-Custodial Measures

Bangkok Rules - U.N. Rules for the Treatment of Women Prisoners

African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child

Luanda Guidelines - Conditions of Arrest, Pre-trial Detention in Africa

Code Penal Madagascar - (in French)

Judicial Procedure for Children - Ministry of Justice - Madagascar - (in Malagasy)

Judicial Strategy for Children Committing Crimes - Ministry of Justice - Madagascar - (in Malagasy)

Modifications of the Malagasy Penal Code - (in French)

International Justice Resource Center: Madagascar has ratified the following regional and UN human rights treaties" section.


The Shortfalls of Traditional Microfinance

The Rise and Fall of the Microfinance Movement

Ferguson, James. 1994. The Anti-Politics Machine: "Development," Depoliticization, and Bureaucratic Power in Lesotho. University of Minnesota Press.

The World Bank. World Bank Group and a Coalition of Partners Make Commitments to Accelerate Universal Financial Access. [Press Release]. April 17, 2015.

Arunachalam, Ramesh S. The journey of Indian micro-finance: Lessons for the future. Aapti Publications, 2011.

Failures in International Aid

Why Foreign Aid Fails

Doing Bad by Doing Good

Failed Aid


ICCPR - International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights

Education in Prisons - A Literature Review



Prison Insider: Growing Up with Dignity

 Grandir Dignment Madagascar



ICCRP - Articles Part III Article 9,10,14,15

 Convention on the Rights of the Child - Article 40



Prison Studies: Handbook for Prison Management - Mandela Rules, Bangkok Rules

 Prison Studies: Handbook for Prison Management in French