In Their Own Words
Other Stories
All names have been changed to protect identities.
The photos displayed do not depict the persons described in the narrative.
“I am seventy years old. My husband and I are rice farmers. We encroached on government land and were caught. We both were given five years in prison. My husband was granted conditional release for good behavior.”
“Why aren’t you out too?”
“I don’t know. It is just what happened.””
“What will you do when you leave prison?”
“Rice farming is the only life I know. We’ll go back to it, but will be more careful about planting within correct boundaries.”
“I am seventy years old….”
“My name is Frankie. I am 16 years old. I recently passed my school exams and celebrated by partying with my friends. There was one particular girl I liked, and we danced together most of the evening. The next day, one girl's parents accused me of sexual assault, because they didn’t approve of our mutual attraction. We are from different tribes you see. They claimed that their daughter was ten years old and of course that wasn’t true. Without any inquiry, I was put into prison and the girl was never asked to testify. I have a friend who has agreed to be a witness, but has never been summoned. I have finished two hearings but have no idea when my sentencing will happen .”
“The police forced me to sign a confession…. . “
“My name is Ndrema and am 17 years old. I was taking care of my three year old niece who is still not walking. There is something wrong with her. My aunt sent me to gather some herbs for the baby on the outskirts of the Masoala National Forest. I don't think I was even inside the forest. The guard ran after me, grabbed me, tied me up and held me in the lodge for a night. accusing me of stealing breadfruit. The following day, he handed me over to the police. The police forced me to sign a confession that I was destroying government property. I had my first hearing three months ago and still don’t know what my sentence will be.”
“·Ny name is Safidy and I am sixteen years old. I am charged with violent behavior. One night my friends and I went out drinking and dancing. I got in a fight with someone while drunk and was sent to jail. My sentence is seven months. No one cares for me. I don’t know what I will do when I get out. ”
“No one cares for me.”