Mattresses for Morondava Prison

Leaving the prison, I couldn't shake the feeling of wanting to express gratitude to the Prison Director for his time while also making a small, meaningful difference. The thought of merely observing the sad conditions and returning to my comfortable hotel room didn’t sit right with me, even though we are only here for another few days. I proposed using some donation funds to purchase mattresses for the minors and elderly inmates. The pastor enthusiastically supported the idea and assisted in locating a supplier for mattress foam and a tailor to stitched coverings. I ordered 13 double-sized mattresses, sleeping 2-3 persons each, and accompanied the seamstress to select fabrics for the coverings. While washable synthetic leather is unavailable here, the prison has plenty of water for washing the cloth coverings as needed.

The donation money was generously provided by the women of Blue Mango.  When I shared photos of the Antalaha prison with them last year, they were visibly moved, almost stunned into silence.

"We're so fortunate," one whispered quietly.

Spontaneously, the women collectively expressed their desire to contribute. Throughout the year, they have been setting aside a portion of their wages for a prison fund, and Bruce and I matched their contributions to further encourage their generosity. Just a month ago, a Cultural Connections tour group visiting Blue Mango generously tipped Pichamani for her assistance with cooking and cleaning. Without hesitation, she handed Bruce 25% of her tip for the benefit of the prison kids. Earlier, Rajakumari, Blue Mango's supervisor, had made a donation on her husband's death anniversary, also for the prison kids. Witnessing marginalized Indian women extending their support to those less fortunate is truly inspiring. There are ample funds remaining in the Blue Mango Prison Fund to purchase four more mattresses for the Welcome House in Antalaha.

The following day, I attended the weekly prayer service, and afterward, we delivered the mattresses to the boys', women's, and men's sections. The women expressed their thanks through a heartfelt song. It was a gift beyond compare, and I couldn't have asked for anything more beautiful.


Allée des Baobabs and Kirindy National Forest


Visit to Morondava Prison