Antsirabe Prison Renovation
Dear Friends,
Last blog, I shared a video about the bleak sanitation in both the Antsirabe and Morondava prisons. Since then, the Antsirabe prison septic system has been totally renovated AND the huge courtyard full of dirty, stinky muck has been paved. The slime was leaking into the sleeping chambers giving off a putrid smell, making it hard for prisoners to sleep.
This is how this new project unfolded.
Elson and Maoly approached the Director of the Antsirabe Prison, proposing that we revamp the sanitation system. He responded by saying,
“If there is a limited budget, please pave in the courtyard as the first priority.”
At first, I thought,
“Humm, this isn’t what I would have chosen.”
Then I remembered asking the prison nurse what the main health concerns were. She responded by explaining that respiratory diseases are endemic because of Antsirabe’s cold climate and the dank, wet living conditions inside the prison walls.
Antsirabe prison was build for 350 inmates and now houses 1400 miserable prisoners hanging out in the cold wet courtyard during the day. Imagine standing around barefoot in mud in 50 degree weather. Not to mention the stench of the backed-up, open sewers which cannot handle the load. No wonder many inmates die from pneumonia, languishing as they wait months or years to plead their case in front of a judge.
Elson and Hanitra’s son Maoly put together a team who worked long nights while the prisoners slept. Work started at 6 pm and ended at 2 am for three weeks. When it was finished, the prisoners called out,
“Hey we can play basketball and soccer together now. Thanks for taking care of us.”
And that isn’t all.Because of careful budgeting and meticulous accountability, we had enough money to ALSO finish gutting and revamping the sewage system. Maoly insisted on purchasing all of the materials himself and shaved 40% off the estimate. (Then they fired the contractor who had proposed the inflated sum).
Human waste was pouring out into the back of the prison, close to the kitchen garden and toilets. It was disgusting. Maoly special ordered huge sewage pipes to handle the volume and directed the pipes out of the prison into the town’s sanitation system. They replaced dilapidated toilet doors, constructed new roofs on the outdoor toilets and painted them clean.
The inside toilets probably need to be replaced too, as well as the kitchen ovens, but the consensus is that we should first move our efforts to Morondava Prison (over 300 miles away). Waste is seeping onto the floor of the women’s chambers, where mothers and babies are sleeping due to overcrowding.
Immediate Fundraising Needs:
1. Sanitation for Morondava Prison, concentrating on Women’s Ward
Estimate was $20,000 for both Antsirabe and Morondava Prisons.
Received $15,000 and used in Antsirabe Prison for courtyard and sanitation.
Pending needed for Morondava Prison: $5000
2. Food Security for Maroakanga Prison Farm
(150 acres of great cropland with ample water). The farm buildings to house the prisoners during their reinsertion program are completed. Next, we want to send in an agricultural engineer, buy farm tools and start up seeds, and pay food for 50 transitional prisoners to work the land for 6 months. This is instead of renting earth moving equipment, tractors etc. We have had successful conversations with the authorities at the national level about their contribution and financial responsibility, ways to prevent corruption, and long-term continuity of the project. They are highly motivated.
Estimate was $20,000. Raised $10,000. Needed $10,000
3. Renovation of remaining prison blocks in Antalaha
Major repair of roofing, ceilings and toilets are needed. Roof ventilators need to be installed. The inside of the chambers desperately require scraping and painting. Estimate $12,000. Received $5000. Needed $7000.
Thanks you dear friends for your tender loving care. Yay for soccer and basketball togetherness fostering hope and happiness. It has to be a good thing for the human spirit - for those who feel forgotten and shunned. We all remind these folks that they are not alone - that Godand simple humans care for them.
Tamar and the Team