Oh Happy Day

Prison Kids Passing Stones - Participating in the Fun

“Time to move. Much to get done in just a few days. We need to move on ‘Vazaha’ time, not ‘Malagache’ time.”

Albein - Prison Administrative Staff

The following is from a letter I wrote:

I can’t describe today's excitement. Arrived at the prison and low and behold, piles of rocks and gravel were piled high inside the entrance. A truck was positioned inside the prison gate pouring out a mountain of sand. This is happening! The mason was all smiles. He needed money for orange vests - prison security policy. Soon, fifteen orange-vested men came marching in, alien-like and I heard myself thinking, “Wow…. he heard me when I said that we needed to ‘move’ on this project and ‘please get a good team together.’ 

Karim (Grandir Dignement) turned to me, "This is my Christmas. We have been longing for the playing/living area to be paved, and the moment is now.” 

The kids were engaged, making a human chain to pass the stones from one to the other. While watching the action in progress, Albain said, “Tamar, you make things happen. I have never seen this kind of activity from an NGO in such a limited time frame ever. Don’t leave.”

Karim asked, “How did you find this contractor? He is amazing.” Francel wasn't only directing the scene, he was working alongside the crew. 

Then a crisis arose. At the very moment they needed water to mix with the cement and sand, the water stopped. And stopped. And stopped. It looked like it was beginning to rain, and if the project was abandoned until the next day, the cement would harden. Albain and Karim intervened and put minors in charge of carrying heavy huge pots of water from the major section to the construction area. They finished at seven pm. One felt almost a physical force of hope and new life permeating the air. 


Party Day

